[Tradución na segunda metade]
Wise words from Mark Lewis —inspired by Nixon, his dog— on his YouTube channel: Want to enjoy every run? Be more dog!
This is a story for anybody that runs, whether for one mile real slow or hundreds real fast. Whatever your ability, your speed, your experience, this one might be for you:
Last weekend I raced with my wife and my dog, Nixon, over the Welsh mountains and afterwards I decided there was no need to make a video about it, I couldn't see a story to tell and if there's no story, then there's nothing more than just pointless pretty pictures.
I hadn't set any records, I'd run this course before, in the summer, and been much faster; my wife has only been running for a year and, although vastly improved, the snow, the ice, the cold made it hard going; it was tough to see the evidence of her transformation into a runner as we walked through freezing fog.
We didn't even finish inside the top half. Looking at the Garmin data, nothing impressive stood out; if anything, it was disappointing: not the result we wanted, not the story I wanted to tell. And so I stuck 20 seconds of it on Instagram and left it at that.
I know I watched those 20 seconds a few times over, and each time saw Nixon running and I realized he didn't feel the way I felt. He didn't wear a Garmin, he didn't track his average pace, didn't care what zone he was in: he just ran and when the hills got too steep, he walked until he could run again. He didn't know what time he got last year, he didn't know where he placed this year; he sometimes knows there are people just up ahead to try and get past, and sometimes just behind that he needs to dig down and stay in front of, but that's about it. He doesn't look up the results, doesn't compare to his previous attempts, and when the run turns cold or wet or muddy, he just runs through it because he loves to run.
He can't fail to achieve an objective because his objective is nothing more than to run and have fun and he does that first or last, and he's rarely last. He didn't prepare for this one. He just runs every day with no goal or target or plan: he just goes out and runs because he loves to run.
He doesn't care about Instagram or what followers will think. He doesn't care what he looks like if he slips or falls... he just runs because he loves to run: parkrun, marathon, around the block, over a mountain whatever speed he can, and then he sleeps and recovers and then wants to do it again not to be better than before, not to strive for perfection or attain some impresive level of ability, just to go out and run again, for fun, for him, for however long it takes to finish it.
He wasn't disappointed after this run because he ran: that was his story... he set off, he finished.
Porque puedo.
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Palabras moi sabias a cargo de Mark Lewis —inspirado por Nixon, o seu can— na súa canle de YouTube: Queres desfrutar de cada carreira? Fai máis o can!
Este conto é para calquera que corra, xa for un só quilómetro moi amodiño, xa for centos a todo filispin. Sexa cal for o teu nivel, velocidade ou experiencia, o que vou contar podería virche moi ben.
A fin de semana pasada participei nunha carreira polas montañas de Gales con miña muller e mais co meu can, Nixon, e ao rematármola decidín que non ía facer vídeo ningún sobre a proba. Non tiña nada que contar e cando non hai nada que contar só quedan un feixe de imaxes xeitosiñas sen moito sentido.
Non batín ningún récord, xa fixera ese mesmo recorrido antes, no verán, e correra moito máis rápido; miña muller só leva un ano correndo e, aínda que mellorou moitísimo, a neve, o xeo e mailo frío puxéronlle as cousas difíciles; camiñando envoltos nunha brétema xélida custaba atopar probas da súa transformación en corredora.
Na clasificación quedamos da metade para abaixo. Ollando os datos do Garmin, nada salientable, todo decepcionante: non foi o resultado que queriamos nin a historia que quería contar. Así que colguei 20 segundos en Instagram e iso foi todo.
Sei que mirei eses 20 segundos unhas cantas veces e en cada unha delas vía a Nixon correndo e decateime de que el non se sentía igual ca min. Nin levaba un Garmin, nin rexistrou a súa velocidade media, e tanto lle tiña en que zona de pulsacións e esforzo estaba: el limitábase a correr e cando chegaba unha costa empinada, púñase a camiñar ata que podía volver a correr. Non sabe que tempo fixera o ano anterior, nin en que posto quedou clasificado este ano; ás veces ve que hai xente diante á que hai que tentar pillar, e outras sente que hai xente detrás da que cómpre esforzarse por manter a certa distancia e xa está. Nin consulta as clasificacións, nin fai comparanzas con tempos de carreiras anteriores, e cando a choio se pon frío, chuvioso ou lamacento, el limítase a correr porque lle encanta correr.
Non coñece o fracaso á hora de cumprir un obxectivo porque a súa meta simplemente é correr e divertirse e iso é exacta e precisamente o que fai. Non adestrou para esta carreira. Corre tódolos días sen metas, obxectivos nin plans: simplemente sae a correr porque lle encanta.
Tanto lle ten Instagram ou o que pensen os seguidores. Non lle importa a cara que se lle queda cando esvara ou cando cae... simplemente corre porque lle encanta: carreiras populares, maratones, a volta ao quinteiro, polo monte adiante, etc. á velocidade que pode, e logo bótase a durmir, recupérase e despois volve querer correr non para ser mellor, non para buscar a perfección ou acadar algún nivel abraiante de forma, senón simplemente polo feito de sair e volver a correr, por pasalo ben, por e para el, sen importarlle canto tarda.
Despois da carreira non quedou decepcionado porque correu; iso é o seu: saiu e chegou á meta.
Porque podo
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