Brilliant, beautiful, inspiring words and video by Michael Kofuzi.
They say the marathon doesn’t owe you anything. You can train hard. Be consistent. And do all the right things, but there are no guarantees. The marathon can be cruel sometimes. We all know this, and yet, this year, of all years, this is the year where we may feel like the marathon certainly must owe us at least something.
We have put in the miles. We have suffered through the worst conditions. And we made it through those long runs, no matter how complicated life became. Day after day, we laced up our shoes and went for our run. And for what? A postponed event? A cancelled race? A virtual finish line just wasn’t the same.
In a short time, we’ve all aged so much. And that time lost has never felt so irretrievable. But at the end of the day, deep down we know that, no matter how much we’ve missed, the same truth remains. The marathon still doesn’t owe us anything. Running doesn’t owe us anything. But rather, it is we, who owe so much to running. At this year’s Bank of America Chicago Marathon, be thankful for your training, whatever it may have looked like. Be thankful for your health. Be thankful for your family. Your coach. Your training partners. The volunteers and the sponsors. The people who supported you in this goal when it looked like none of it would ever mean anything. Those who had faith in us; we wouldn’t be here without any of them.
So on race day, we should not demand what we think we are owed. Instead, we should run to show the world just how much we have been given. And that we are still here.
As runners, we show our gratitude by pouring ourselves out for our races. Dig deep. Race with your heart. Give it everything you’ve got. And just when you think there is nothing left to give, GIVE MORE. FIND MORE. KEEP GOING.
Fly through these streets. Hold your pack together. This year, success is not about your finishing time. It is about how we all finish. Lift each other up. And give thanks.
This is the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. 26.2 grueling, agonizing, beautiful miles. It won’t be easy, and still no result is guaranteed, but it will be one of the best days of your life.
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Din que o maratón non che debe nada. Podes adestrar duro, ser constante e facelo todo ben, pero ninguén che garante nada. Ás veces o maratón mesmo pode ser cruel. Sabémolo todos e aínda así, este ano, máis ca noutro calquera, é cando poderiamos pensar que certamente o maratón algo nos debe.
Metímoslle os quilómetros, sufrimos as peores condicións e rematamos todas esas rodaxes longas sen importar o complicada que se pusexe a vida. Un día si e outro tamén, anoamos os amallós e saímos a correr. E para que? Para unha carreira adiada? Unha suspendida? Unha liña de meta virtual non vos era o mesmo.
En moi pouco tempo mirade que temos envellecido. E ese tempo perdido nunca nos pareceu tan irrecuperable. Pero ao final do día, no fondo sabemos que, independentemente de canto estabamos a perder, a verdade seguía a ser a mesma: o maratón segue sen nos deber nada. As carreiras non nos deben nada. Máis ben, somos nós quen lles debemos tanto ás carreiras. No Maratón de Chicago deste ano, dade as grazas polos vosos adestramentos, saísen como saísen. Dade a grazas pola vosa saúde. Sede agradecidos polas vosas familias, polos vosos adestradores, polos vosos compañeiros de adestramentos, polos voluntarios e polos patrocinadores; pola xente que vos apoiou neste obxectivo cando parecía que non tivese tanta importancia; por aqueles que tiveron fe en nós, pois non teriamos chegado ata aquí sen eles.
Así que o día da carreira non deberiamos esixir o que cremos que se nos debe, senón que deberiamos correr para amosarlle ao mundo canto nos deron. E que aínda seguimos aquí.
Como corredores, debemos amosar a nosa gratitude dándoo todo nas carreiras. Esforzádevos a tope. Correde co corazón. Dade todo que teñades. E mesmo cando creades que non vos queda nada que dar, DADE MÁIS, BUSCADE MÁIS, SEGUIDE ADIANTE.
Voade polas rúas. Permanecede unidos. Este ano, o éxito non ten que ver coa vosa marca na liña de meta, senón con como chegamos todos á meta. Animádevos uns aos outros. E sede agradecidos.
Este é o maratón de Chicago. 42,195 fermosos quilómetros, extenuantes e agónicos. Non será nada doado e o resultado non está garantido, pero ha de ser un dos mellores días da vosa vida.
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